Project: Industriële RG Assemblagelijn

This project was made possible in part by the European Regional Development Fund under REACT-EU.

In this project we build, together with Maastricht University and Maastricht UMC+, a proof-of-concept assembly line for the development of production platforms for automated and affordable production of (stem) cells and micro and macro tissue on an industrial scale: ReGEN Biomedical BV.

ReGEN Biomedical has the ambition to develop equipment to industrialize Regenerative Medicine (RG) manufacturing. Over the past years, UM has been able to fully exploit its knowledge in the field of RG and has built up an impressive IP portfolio for this purpose. ReGEN Biomedical is a collaborative vehicle to valorize this knowledge. The small-scale and labor-intensive procedures of the UM labs will be converted into prototypes machines and materials to serve the RG market in an industrial and large-scale manner.

Het Operationeel Programma EFRO 2014-2020 Zuid-Nederland (OPZuid) is een Europees subsidieprogramma voor de provincies Zeeland, Limburg en Noord-Brabant. Speerpunten zijn innovatiebevordering en de overgang naar een koolstofarme economie. Het programma is met name gericht op het innovatieve MKB en het versterken van de samenwerking tussen bedrijfsleven, kennisinstellingen en overheden.